Monday, April 26, 2010

Controlling the Tongue

James 3:6 states "And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself."

It just simply amazes me some of the things that come out of peoples mouths. Things that they think are so funny, but make me cringe because of the stupidity behind the words. Words that are degrading, hurtful, demeaning, and just plain ridiculous. What makes us say things that are so hurtful to others?

I often wonder what it would be like to have my own censorship so I wouldn't have to listen to what some individuals say. I find myself laughing at what they say, not because I believe it's funny, but of how ridiculous it is. How do you approach someone who speaks negatively of women, and other people? Especially when they hold a position of power. I find myself struggling with that question each and everyday.

Why must people stoop to this level to talk about people, or just in general. If they would only realize how stupid it makes them look to other people. While I struggle everyday with this, I pray that God will put words in my mouth that are pleasing to Him.

I challenge you to tame your tongue. To speak words that are pleasing to God, and show love for others. Speak words that are uplifting and encouraging.

God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, this comment box works!

    I don't consider myself a Christian, but I do practice extreme kindness...and I believe with a whole heart that 90 percent of the time that silence is golden. I try not to say things that I wouldn't say to people's faces, but being a woman and all....avoiding gossip is HARD! Especially when you are plonked down in a group of other women....its our nature to pit, fight and compete for the number one position (wherever that may be) So, instead of completely fighting my urge to ever say anything, sometimes I do...I just choose my words wisely.
